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Data di liberazione: 2021-12-28Fonte autore: KinghelmVista : 2150
USB Type-C, also known as USB-C, is a hardware interface form of Universal Serial Bus (USB). USB front and back, can be inserted in both directions.
When it comes to the form, the mini-USB and micro-USB just mentioned are also the same, but these two are relative to the standard USB. And this standard USB, in fact, its name is USB Type-A.
This figure roughly explains different forms of USB. It can be seen that the interfaces corresponding to different versions (2.0/3.0) are different. Basically, the USB 3.0 era was made to be compatible with USB 2.0.
Type-A's USB 3.0 and 2.0 have the same shape, and the devices are compatible with each other, but Type-B is different. The 2.0 version of the Type-B cable can be plugged into the 3.0 version interface, but not the other way around.
Quandu si tratta di cablaggi è interfacce, quì hè una scienza populari nantu à ciò chì sò i porti maschili è femini.
Quandu cunnette u dispusitivu à l'urdinatore, l'interfaccia di l'urdinatore hè generalmente chjamata portu femina, è l'interfaccia nantu à a linea di cunnessione hè chjamata portu maschile. In termini laici, u portu maschile hè u portu per esse "inseritu", è u portu femminile hè u portu chì hè "inseritu". In quantu hè cusì chjamatu, "Male" hè ancu mintuatu in a stampa precedente. Deve esse chì i stranieri anu fattu una tale distinzione assai tempu fà, è hè più faciule per capiscenu cù a metàfora di "imagine".
As mentioned earlier, the female port of Type-B is backward compatible, but the male port is not. This is the compatibility reduction caused by the iteration of the new version of USB, and now only Type-A can achieve two-way compatibility.
In this situation, USB has to consider a new form, which is how Type-C came about.
USB Type-C was proposed along with the USB 3.1 standard. Since it is a new form, Type-C does not actually have the problem of "compatibility" with old devices.
For example, a piece of clothing, its appearance design is analogous to the former, and the size and material are analogous to the latter. The former allows USB to be applied to various devices, and the shape is determined according to the characteristics of the device. For example, Type-B is commonly used in printers. Personally, I speculate that this interface is more stable, and the stability is guaranteed when transmitting data; then The reason is that the USB organization wants to adapt to the development of the times to improve the function of the USB itself. The most intuitive improvement is that each generation of USB can increase the bandwidth a lot. The theoretical bandwidth of USB2.0 is 480Mbps, while that of USB3.0 is 5Gbps, which is many times more.
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